Thursday 22 January 2009

How is Dengue fever transmitted

How is Dengue fever transmitted?

Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans (host) through the bites of the female striped Aedes aegypti mosquito (vector). This variety of mosquito breeds easily during the rainy seasons but can flourish in peridomestic fresh water, e.g. water that is stored in plastic bags, cans, flowerpots and old tires. The dengue virus is transmitted to its host during probing and blood feeding. The mosquito may carry the virus from one host to another host and the mosquito is most active in the early morning and later afternoon. A mosquito bite can cause the disease. Incubation period occurs when the viruses has been transmitted to the human host. The period ranges from 3 to 15 days (usually lasting for 5-8 days) before the characteristics of dengue appear. During incubation time, the dengue viruses multiply.

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